Art Transcends

Overall, these artists can create art regardless of their physical abilities. It is likewise notable that these artists are testaments to the fact that some mediums accommodate for diverse able-bodies, paving the way for a different means of expression. It is for this reason that art transcends the limitations imposed by a disability. 

Finally, after concluding this research, I was reminded of the French saying: l’art pour l’art – art for art’s sake. In this case scenario, the saying emphasizes how the notion of normality and the conformed physical aesthetics held by society should not discriminate nor obscure the talent, expression, and impact of an artist.  

This notion can likewise be applied beyond the art world. It is clear that we are products of our own environment, and if our surroundings are not accommodating to our own basic needs, how should we be expected to thrive in society? In regard to individuals with disabilities, although there have been laws implicated in support of their rights, the law won’t change much until you can change the attitudes of an ableist society. These artists are clear examples that one is not disabled by their own ability, but are rather disabled by their surrounding environment, for they are able to take an art medium and create impactful work despite being classified as disabled. Finally, if art and its possible mediums can accomodate to one’s physical ability, why can’t society do the same?
